Kristin Kaye is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, writing coach and founder of Story Alchemy, an online writing lab that offers classes and community.

Kristin’s books include her novel Tree Dreams (WINNER 2018 International Books Awards: YA Fiction, FINALIST 2019 NextGen Indie Book Awards: Regional Fiction) and her memoir Iron Maidens: The Celebration of the Most Awesome Female Muscle in the World, which was short-listed for the Oregon Book Awards in literary non-fiction.

Kristin’s ghostwriting projects cover a wide array of topics from business, design, and finance to spirituality, Integral theory, and Tibetan Buddhism. Ghostwritten articles have been placed in publications including Fast Company, Business Week, Rotman Design magazine, Harvard Business Review and more. Books have been accepted for representation with literary agents.

Social practice projects are an essential aspect of Kristin’s work. The Tree Dreams global tree tagging campaign celebrates the myriad ways we are connected to each other, to nature and to our future. Tree Dreams has also been adapted for the classroom. And the Duff Dinners supper salon featured foresters and writers in the woods of Oregon.

Kristin is also a meditation teacher and hosts events and teaches workshops across the U.S. (Photo by Margot Duane)